Belgium |
Gregoire Vogelsang EventsSponsor |
Based in Brussels, Belgium, Vogelsang Gallery is a contemporary art gallery serving an international group of upcoming and already established artists. The main focus of Vogelsang Gallery is finding and representing associated artists to their audience. The main programs of Vogelsang Gallery include photography and paintings but not just limited to that. other representing areas includes different sort of media such as videos, sculptures and installations and many more. |
View Profilebrussels, Belgium |
Schilderwerken24.be SchildersSponsor |
Schilderwerken24.be Schilders is a full-service painting company in Belgium focused on both quality exterior and interior. We put the relationship with the customer first and believe in a personal approach. |
0471050516 | View ProfileHamme, Belgium |
De VerfexpertSponsor |
Staan er binnenkort schilderwerken bij jou op de planning? Steek dan eens je licht op bij De Verfexpert uit Berlare. Onze zaakvoerder Carlos De Weggheleire heeft meer dan 25 jaar ervaring als schilder en weet de theorie en de praktijk dus perfect te beheersen. Als geen ander is hij zich bewust van kleuren, texturen en lichtinval om tot fenomenaal schilderwerk te komen. |
32475219128 | View ProfileBerlare 9290, Oost-Vlaanderen Belgium |